everything is sound... it's all just vibrations...
Feb. 17th, 2023
After a long wait, I've finally released a new Lain inspired song.
It's the 2nd single off my upcoming album.
It's currently out on YouTube, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud.
It'll be on all other platforms by Feb. 24th.
Cover art made by me. Video coming soon? (hopefully)
[rumor has it... cyberp0p vol. 1 will have even more SEL themed songs]
Jan. 29th, 2023
This is "old" by today's standards lol, but it's a good introduction to my music. It'd mean a lot to me if you'd take the time to watch.
Video editing was done by JCPinthecutKANPEKI - Layer: 01 (WEIRD) [AMV]
You can find my music on pretty much EVERY streaming platform, but there's a few links at the bottom of the left side-bar that'll take you to my music on the most common / frequently used streaming platforms.